Methodologies and strategies

To English language teaching


Methodologies and strategies

To English language teaching


ISBN 978-956-6067-38-2 Categorías , ,

When it comes to unveiling the asset of Methodologies and Strategiesto English language teaching, there are at least three aspects that we cannot avoid mentioning, i. e. the post-method era, English as an international language and collaborative work; all of them are concepts which all prospective teachers of English must study through their undergraduate programmes.The first two components of this trinity imply both a globalized world and the fact that all speakers of English, no matter what their background is, deserve teaching strategies good enough to help them achieve learning goals in the classroom – hence, the word methodology as an adaptation to specific learners’ needs and interests instead of the fixed term method. Furthermore, collaborative work implies not only collaborative learning among students but also group experiential teaching/learning led by fellow teachers of English. The latter shows why this book proves useful. Its editors share an array of different articles with us in which there is situated research carried out collaboratively in a variety of different contexts, thus providing both EFL practitioners and prospective EFL teachers with the right tools to do research in local areas while becoming aware of the fact that, nowadays, working by ourselves, as we used to do in the past, is, apart from being far-fetched, no longer feasible.


ISBN 978-956-6067-38-2
Autor/es Andrew Philominraj
Editorial Ediciones UCM
Año de publicación 2022
Número de Páginas 112

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